WSIS Forum 2013 – Child online Protection in MENA and South East Asia (ITDMDC: Information Technology and Digital Media Development Center)
WSIS Forum 2013 – Child online Protection in MENA and South East Asia (ITDMDC: Information Technology and Digital Media Development Center)
In line with the ITU’s "Child Online Protection" agenda and WSIS AC 5, substantial effort has been made to enhance cyber safety, in particular for youth and children in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) as well as the South East Asia.
There are successful initiatives at national and regional levels, such as "The Internet Safety Program for Children" by MICT in Egypt, "GCAP" by e-WWG in several countries such as Pakistan, "Kids Online Security" by Oman National CERT, "Cyber Safe" by CyberSecurity Malaysia, "Internet Paak" by ITDMD in Iran, etc. However, most of these activities have not been introduced as they are deserved at global level.
One of the most important challenges in these parts of the world is the isolated activities. In comparison with Europe and North America, the experts in these countries are apart, have minimal information of each other’s activities and little interaction, collaboration and coordination among themselves.
Day 4
16 May 2013
ITU/ Claudio Montesano Casillas
By ITU Pictures on 2013-05-16 09:40:23