Toyosu Photo Walk
Toyosu Photo Walk
These days however, my haters are mostly of the online variety.
My theories as to why folks start to hate you are:- – Human instinct is to protect him/herself. You see this reaction if somebody falls over – their arms naturally extend to protect them from the fall. If a human feels threatened by your existence, they may try to harm you directly or indirectly. – Humans with low self esteem may find that attacking you makes them feel better about themselves as it ‘places them above you.’ I notice this *a lot* on the Japanese Internet. Many folks in Japanese society are given the "I’m-your-boss-so-shut-up-and-listen-to-what-I-say" treatment – needless to say that they feel like poo on the shoe when they get home. They then proceed to take it out on people/companies on the Internet with foul language. This form of gang bashing is known as "Matsuri" which literally means "Festival" – a group of folks having a good time bashing others. – Many humans hate the unknown. And because something is unknown, the only means a hater has to protect themselves is hatred which they try to use to expel you. I also personally experienced this form of hatred at school too. I lived many of my years bullied by a particular person – the guy who I mentioned before who wanted to smash my head in with a metal bat. I was a quiet weak child who was brought up with foster parents who bullied me at home too – didn’t exactly leave me feeling confident at school. Haters took advantage of this fact to make them feel better about themselves. – Some humans may ‘blame’ you for how well you are doing at school or in society and see you as the cause of their current predicaments. You do well because of your hard work while others want your abilities (or what you have) by doing nothing. Jealousy is a trait that can even be seen in animals but if they could learn how to feel good about themselves, they need not be jealous of anything or anybody. – Some humans hate you for not being how they want you to be. In their mind they have already decided how certain sets of humans should behave and when you are being just you and not behaving as they expect, they will hate you because you are not meeting their expectations. They could possibly see this as a threat to them because they don’t know how to handle people who are not in their presets. – Another reason why humans may choose you as a target of hatred is because they use you as a benchmark to ‘do better’ than you. This is annoying and a compliment at the same time ^^; I see this going on between companies. A particular company that I worked at hated another company and used them as a benchmark. – Some humans may hate you due to some sort of misunderstanding. I always employ and encourage open communication especially for sensitive topics. If the hater is somebody you care about, take the initiative to try to find out the cause of you being hated as it could be something over something very silly indeed.
The original article for this image lives at
By localjapantimes on 2010-05-31 19:47:45